Round 1: Cintron tries to establish his jab and find his range. Cintron lands a right to the body. Cintron hits Angulo with a left hook to the head. Angulo misses a right to the body. Cintron lands a left hook to the head. Angulo tags Cintron with a right to the head. Angulo comes forward; landing his jab followed by a right to the head. Cintron is a bit stunned as Angulo finishes the round strong.
Round 2: Angulo lands a jab to the head, then a right to the body. Cintron lands his jab followed by a flurry to Angulo's body. Angulo hits Cintron with an overhand right to the head. Angulo lands a left hook to the body. Angulo is throwing and landing a hard left jab. Cintron counters with a right uppercut. Angulo continues to press forward.
Round 3: Cintron lands a jab and hits Angulo with a good overhand right to the head. Cintron lands a combination and Angulo lands a right to the body. Cintron fires and lands a right to the head. Angulo comes forward and Cintron tags him with a right to the head. Cintron is boxing better this round and hits Angulo with a left hook to the head. Cintron lands another overhand right followed by a left hook to the head. Angulo did not throw as many punches this round.
Round 4: Cintron lands two left hooks to Angulo's head. An overhand right stuns Angulo. A right, left combination to the head rocks Angulo. Cintron nails Angulo with a right to the head.
Round 5: Cintron boxes as Angulo continues to press forward. Angulo jabs, but his jab is slower than Cintron's jab. Cintron lands a right to the head. Cintron slows a bit as the round heads to a close. Angulo presses forward and lands a combination.
Round 6: Both fighters exchange overhand rights to the head. Cintron rocks Angulo's head back with a left hook to the head. Angulo lands a jab to the head, but Cintron lands another left hook to the head. Cintron is boxing well and appears to have found his range, but Angulo is very tough as he presses forward.
Round 7: Referee tells Cintron to keep his punches up. Cintron lands a left hook to the head. Angulo is throwing punches as he continues to come forward. An overhand right lands by Angulo. Cintron fires and lands a right uppercut. Angulo lands punches as Cintron's back is to the ropes.
Round 8: Cintron lands a good overhand right to Angulo's head. Both fighters exchange overhand rights. Angulo is applying more pressure and lands a left hook to the body. Angulo lands an overhand right to the head. Cintron hits Angulo with a right uppercut. Cintron lands a left hook to the head as Angulo's back is to the ropes. Angulo gets nailed by another overhand right from Cintron.
Round 9: Angulo lands a right to the body. Cintron lands a right uppercut to the head. Angulo lands a left hook to the body and Cintron lands a left hook to the head.
Round 10: Both fighters exchange overhand rights as Angulo charges forward. Cintron lands a left hook to the head. Both fighters exchange good punches the last 20 seconds of the round.
Round 11: Cintron fires and lands a right then left hook to the head. Angulo gets hit with another left hook to the head. Cintron lands a straight right to Angulo's head. Angulo is tiring and Cintron is boxing well using his jab.
Round 12: Cintron jabs as Angulo gets closer. Cintron ties up Angulo. Angulo lands an overhand right to the head. Angulo lands a right to the body. Cintron ties him up again. Cintron jabs then fires and lands a straight right to the head. Angulo keeps landing punches as he presses forward. Cintron lands another right. Cintron keeps moving as Angulo applies more pressure.
Overall Summary: Kermit Cintron boxed very good in this fight. Angulo had his moments when he momentarily stunned Cintron a few times. Angulo placed his punches well, but did not land enough of them. Cintron stayed mostly on the outside and used his jab effectively. He continually beat Angulo to the punch and landed the cleaner punches in the fight. Toward the end of the fight when Angulo was applying more pressure, Cintron wisely tied him up to hold onto a 12 round unanimous decision victory. Alfredo Angulo suffers his first professional defeat of his career and drops to 15-1, 12 KO's, while Cintron improves to 31-2-1, 27 KO's. Cintron will probably take on Sergio Martinez in a rematch in his next fight. Their first fight was a 12 round majority draw.
1 comment:
Good work Mike...You went out on a limb..and called the upset...I gave Cintron at least 7 or 8 rounds. NICE JOB!
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