Danny Garcia KO's Pavel Miranda in 2 Rounds
Round 1: Garcia pops Miranda with a left jab. Garcia lands a left hook to the head of Miranda. Garcia hits Miranda in the body with a right. Miranda is following Garcia around the ring. Garcia is countering with left hooks to the head. Miranda gets tagged with a left to his body. Garcia is looking to land a big punch. Miranda lands a left hook.
Round 2: Miranda lands a left hook to Garcia's head. A left hook - straight right combination floors Miranda. Miranda rises to his feet and ties up Garcia. Garcia lands a left hook followed by an overhand right to the head that drops Miranda again. Referee stops the fight!
Overall Summary: Danny Garcia is a rising Junior Welterweight prospect. The Philadelphia native turned professional a year and half ago. Garcia throws hard, explosive punches and possesses a crowd pleasing style. Miranda was vastly outmatched tonight. Garcia waited to counter Miranda and effectively landed solid shots. It is tough to judge his full potential off this performance, but look to see Danny Garcia in some action fights in the near future. Garcia improves his record to 13-0, 8 KO's. Pavel Miranda falls to 16-4, 8 KO's and has now lost 3 of his last 4 fights.
Round 2: Miranda lands a left hook to Garcia's head. A left hook - straight right combination floors Miranda. Miranda rises to his feet and ties up Garcia. Garcia lands a left hook followed by an overhand right to the head that drops Miranda again. Referee stops the fight!
Overall Summary: Danny Garcia is a rising Junior Welterweight prospect. The Philadelphia native turned professional a year and half ago. Garcia throws hard, explosive punches and possesses a crowd pleasing style. Miranda was vastly outmatched tonight. Garcia waited to counter Miranda and effectively landed solid shots. It is tough to judge his full potential off this performance, but look to see Danny Garcia in some action fights in the near future. Garcia improves his record to 13-0, 8 KO's. Pavel Miranda falls to 16-4, 8 KO's and has now lost 3 of his last 4 fights.
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